Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Brain Injuries

There has been a huge problem in this war with more and more men and women coming home with some sort of brain injuries. Many are cared for until they are transfered home or to a station that does not have the right equiptment to treat or maintain treatment. Many soldiers are losing various brain functions, speculation and preliminary test point to the frequency of blasts and other explosions that soldiers are experienceing often. Research is still being done on why such a high percentage of soldier,18 percent, come home with brain injuries. That is a pretty scarry number if you are a soldier on you way to Iraq. And you hope that if you risk your life to serve your country, that when something goes wrong and injuries are sustained that your country will take care of you. However their are stores of soldiers who will never be able to work again because their reabilitation took so much time just to get approved through the paper work system. Something needs to be done. These people go half way across the world to risk thier lives for millions of people they do not even know!!!!!

For an interesting article done by the New England Journal Of Medicine check out this link; http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/352/20/2043

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