Sunday, May 20, 2007

More Fighting!

Tonight a bomb went off in Beirut killing one woman, this occured while Lebanese troops battled Islamic militants linked to al Qaeda outside Tripoli, Lebanon's second-largest city. The battle near a Palestinian refugee camp continued into the night, and left 22 Lebanese soldiers and at least 10 militants dead. The fighting was sparked early today when Lebanese internal security forces raided a building in a neighborhood north of Tripoli, army sources said. Militants from Fatah al-Islam opened fire on the forces, who returned fire, triggering clashes in the vicinity of the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp. This is just one of the places in the world where fighting is going on, many news sources are saying that this is not an isolated incident and that the fighting may contiue, for how long no one knows. And will this be one battle or will it turn into more. I have a feeling that this is the begining of something that will last for a while. While I hope I am wrong, I also would like to see the Lebanese forces take out the Islmaci militants, because they are linked to Al Qaeda, and it is said that their leader would like to see himself as Osma Bin Ladden, and has been know to be training squads. We can only hope that as little lives are lost as possible and the Lebanese forces will be able to nutralize their enemy. As I usually end my posts that speculate on events, Only time will tell what will happen with this situation. Lets hope it is for the better!!

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