Friday, May 11, 2007

Finnaly Investigations of Abu Ghraib

Photographs have recenly been surfacing showing American soldiers abusing and humiliating Iraqis being held at a prison near Baghdad. The Army investigated, and issued a scathing report. Now, as of today an Army general and her command staff may face the end of long military careers. And six soldiers are facing court martial in Iraq, and possible prison time. This is the major aspect of the war that I do not approve!!! Torturing these people and not even knowing if they are innocent? This is not what our country stands for. This YouTube Video is of a guards man at Abu Ghraib, talking about the various ways that they torture their prisoners, and he describes how he feels about the situation. The Video is very disturbing, while not graphic, his jocular manner, and lack of respect for humanity was very difficult for me to watch. I put it up here, because I think people need to know what is going on in out Detainee camps. This is just one guy, and yes he could just be showing off for the camera, but it doesnt sound like it to me. He even says that the CIA taught them a whole bunch of torture tricks. Remember it might be hard to hear, but it is something everyone must be aware of!!! Their was a 60 minutes done on this and you can check it out at

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