Tuesday, May 29, 2007

An Organized Kidnap

Today 5 british citizens were abducted by what appeared to be Iraqi Police Forces. This comes just after yesterday when ten US Soldiers were killed making May the most deadly month so far. Wittnesses said that the forces sealed of the streets at both ends and went right past the quards and entered the Finance Ministry Head quarters. US and British forces both believe that this was part of an Iraqi Police Force that went rogue. There has been infaltration of the police force recently by the Militia! When are we going to stop hearing of kidnapps and deaths of our soldiers and our allies soldiers in Iraq. When are we going to hear that we are winning? Can we even win with this amount of troops. I want this war to be over just like every one else, but what will happen if we pull out? We have already made so many enemies in Iraq from our occupation, and Abu Grahib and Gitmo, that to just leave and let them fight it out..... we cant take that risk. We have no idea who will come to power!

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