Monday, May 21, 2007

Security Vaccum

When The US entered into Iraq in 2003 guns ablaze, we took out Saddam and after Saddam was out of power, we then demoted everyone who was involved in the Ba'ath party. Saddam had about 4 or 5 different security apparatus's working for him before his removal. When the Ba'ath party fell it created a security Vacuum, which metaphorically describes what happens when a space is left open and many groups or people compete for the same opening. this occurred in Iraq and is a huge factor that contributed to the insurgency, and militia problem. Iraq announced today it is preparing a contingency plan to avoid another Security Vacuum situation in case the US were to exit Iraq quickly. this is the first time an Iraq official has publicly mentioned the possibility of the United States leaving Iraq. Does the Prime Minister know something we do not? Or is here merely being cautious? As he rightfully should be, considering the political mood of the US at this point in time. Again time will tell if this preemptive tactic is merely smart planning, or if it is in response to something that is already under way!

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