Friday, May 25, 2007

Bye Bye Rosie

ABC announced today that Rosie O'Donnell will not be coming back to the show. While she was already due to leave in three weeks, I guess they gave her an option to leave now. On her website she wrote that there comes time when a painting is done and to add anymore paint is to ruin the painting. I think that is probably best for her to go, although she did make things interesting. Because of these recent fights I had actually set my Tivo to start recording the View, but now that she’s not going to be there I think I will cancel it! I also had a chance to look up some of Rosie's past remarks that have been in the media, and I would like to make it clear that I do not support everything she says!! In fact when she goes off about our troops in Iraq, and although she says she did not mean to call them terrorists..... You do not say anything negative about our actual troops! The administration, go for it, but the troops are off limits!! But what I do believe in, is that she speaks her mind, and unlike Elizabeth he gives her safe opinion, Rosie gives her off the way ideas. Lets all remember in high school when we had to read Fahrenheit 951, or 1982. what were the lessons we were taught about from those? To ALWAYS question authority, to never just accept what someone tells you. The minute that people like Rosie and conspiracy theorist stop caring, is the minute that we will be taken advantage of!!!

1 comment:

Kate Purcell said...

Rosie is a raging lunatic and should have been taken off the air months ago!!!