Thursday, April 12, 2007

24 and the War in Iraq

Ok..... So this is my first blog on my little politcal blogger so I guess I better say something politcal!!!! Hmmmmm so much to choose from. Here some food for thought, the show 24 although completely fiction....... What if?......... I think we all need to keep in mind that the horrible situation fictionalized in that telivision program is not so far fetched. When I watch the show and I think of the consequences of what could happen if terrorist really did smuggle in nuclear bombs and were planning on detonating them in California, that scares the hell out of me!!! But I think what scares me the most about the scenario is this. If we launched a counter attack and engaged in Nuclear warfare. We are not talking about WW3 we are talking about the end of the world. We are talking about Nuclear Winter!!!! We are talking about the distruction of the Earth in such a short period of time, and our generation would be the one to do it!! When we think about out troops and why they are in Iraq its hard right now to justify them being there in the first place. there were no WMD and we had no right to be there!!! But the point is not why or how we go there, but that we are there now, and whether or not you like Bush, those men on the ground in Iraq are the only thing preventing Iraq from being a free for all to any and all Terrorist organizations who want to set up shop so to say. There operations would go unchecked and unempeded!! Just some food for thought for all of you who want us to simply pull out of Iraq and not look back! We are in too deep now. You break it You bought it. Well ladies and Gentleman, until we can find a way to glue that bleeding country back together, we bought the damn thing!!!!!

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