Friday, April 13, 2007

Women and Politics

I stumbled across this while looking through youtube today, and I know that most people want to critize this clip and condem Rosie O'Donnel, but in all honesty I saw two things that I found very refreshing. 1.) Four WOMEN discussing politics and really seeming to know what they are talking about. The norm for media is that men do the heavy lifting, most talk show that deal with politics are men, women on the other hand tend to have shows like Martha Stewert, or cooking show, or a show like the view which tends to steer away from politics, so If I can give Rosie O'Donnel one thing, it would be that she has managed to put politics in the spot light!!! 2.) In high school, or at least for me, I had that great rare teacher that taught us to always question what we are told. That you can not always believe what is spoon fed to you, and since I have been to college and a political science major, this is something that almost all of my professors have tried to impress upon us. So if nothing else the fact that she questions athority and tries to get others to do the same, is refreshing, because she is taking a risk to do so on live national TV and that takes guts. Here is a clip of her and the ladies on the view.

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