Sunday, April 15, 2007

Liar Liar

Kyle Sampson was called to testify today in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys. Kyle Sampson who was the former chief of staff to Alberto Gonzalez, finnaly gave his long awaited testimony, which incriminated Gonzalez. It is now believed that Sampson lied under oath and registered a whopping 127 "I dont knows". It also has recently been discovered that emails that were suppose to be routed through the White House's email server, so as to be monitored and made record, were routed through alternative email site. The White House estimates it has lost some 5 million emails that have been sent recently, many of which contained content pertaining to the firings. If you want to read more about what this means for the case, you can view this blog at I found it very insightfull. It is hard to say at this point in the trial, what the real reason for the firings of the US attorneys were, however like all scandals, time will unfold the truth. So I guess we will just have to wait and see.

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