Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Impact of Blogging

Last night I was watching MTV and they were at Virginia Tech talking to some of the students and discussing not only the impact of the tragedies that occured on monday, but also the way that blogging and websites like facebook and myspace have changed the way that we as a public get and recieve information. Some of the first information that came was from students who blogged the things that they had witnessed. Technology plays a huge roll in the way that we now get out news. One of the first images was from a cell phone camera of the shootings, back even five years ago, that would not have been possible. One of the students who was among the first to blog about what he had witnessed, said something very moving. He said that he was afraid that the shootings was all any one would ever remember about VIrginia Tech. That later down the road when someone asked him who is alma mater was, they would say ooooh sorry, bet that was hard. But they dont want to be remembered that way! They want to be remembered as surviors, not victims. Are Hearts go out to the school and the families!

P.S. Its funny, you know when you never really paid attention to a word, like blog, and then for some reason you either learn what it is or in this case start your own, and all of a sudden its every where? Well that is how it has been with this whole blogging thing for me! Blogging has evolved the way news is done and hopefully for the better!!

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