Thursday, April 26, 2007

Long Shifts

I can not talk long today, I just got out of my first midterm and my brain feels like mush.. I know you guys know how that is. last quarter I did two all nighters in a row and then a three hour sleep night the next and wow, did I ever feel dumb. I could nt even function. Thinking about this made me think of two professions where all nighters and exorbenantly long shifts are requirements of the job. One of which is out soldiers, they are expected to do 12 hour shifts 6 days a week with only one day off. We wonder why sometimes things go wrong, soldiers are only human and require sleep and time for their bodies and minds to recoup in order to be able to function. Lately it has been in the news that many soldiers are coming home with serious brain function problems as well, maybe a study needs to be done on the effect of stress and lack of sleep as well. The other profesion that comes to mind doctors. They many times are required or expected to do insanely long shifts go home and be back in a few hours.... and they operate on us. Of course this is only usually the residents who do this, but still. you would think that someone who is in the medical feild, there superiors would want them to get adequate rest. Well talk to you tomorow!!!

1 comment:

Ash said...

Hello Katrina, I ran into your blog totally by accident a few weeks ago. I only felt tempted to leave a note now especially after you spoke of doctors. I am one and well on my way to residency just as soon as I'm done being an intern. And the thought alone is scary at times.

You once wrote about how nobody ever visits your blog or leaves a comment eventhough you'd told a couple friends. Ah, don't be too sure, girl. It's on the web, it's bound to be seen. I found it, didn't I? ;)

Oh, and I hope that midterm went well :) All the best!