Wednesday, April 25, 2007


So i dont know if you guys all heard about the Jessica Lynch story, that what the government released was not true, and that she is now testifying to congress about what really occured. It amazes me the incongruencies between the story that is now emerging and the story that all of us heard at the time. As one blogger pointed out, it just goes to show what a hollywood like influence can have on the Pentagon's Media managers. i give her credit for now coming foward and telling the true story, because if you think about it, how hard would it be to say to every one, no its not true, I am not really a hero. They got it all wrong, I was not stabbed and shot, but rather was injured in a car accident. And when they did a rescue mission, they did not go in guns blazing to get her like people had previously said, but instead simply took her from a hospital where she was being cared for and no opposition was present. The thing is that it would take guts to come out and say to everyone that in fact you were not a hero but merely just there and that your gun was jamed with sand and you couldnt even shoot. For a long time when ever someone who was in the military would start talking about Jessica I would always hear them say negative things about her, and I really didnt get it until now. She became famous because she lived. but all of the men who died that day, no one even knows their names. And now on top of everything the Hollywood like rambo story that we all heard wasnt even the truth. Well none of us will ever know what really happened, especially now that she says she can not recall if she was raped or not. Again you never know, and i for one would never be the one to dispute something their is no evidence to prove one way or the other. (when it comes to a rape that is) Well its late and I have a midterm tomorow, but I was laying in bed and realized it had been a couple of days since my last post! I strongly urge you to watch this video, i think she deserves for her story to be told!!

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