Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bloggers Amaze me!!!

So people who get on the internet and post a blog daily and consistently are able to talk about interesting topics impress me. I have to sit here and think...... What knew thing do I want to tell people about. Today the only interesting thing that happened was I went to my Illegal drug trade class and a US Marshal came and talked. Well also I dont know how many of you are farmiluar with the Humberto Alvarez Machain Case, but he was a Mexican doctor who was kidnapped and illegaly extradited to the US to stand trial for aid to the Torture and Murder of a DEA agent in Mexico. Well tonight in class my professor Justice O'Carter read us parts of the interigation that the DEA Agent was put through. Including the cries of agony as he is beaten, and tortured!! It was crazy to be witnessing the actual conversation of a man right before he died. It was pretty hard to listen to, but this brave DEA agent gave up nothing, and he died with all of the DEA's secrets in tact. Now, Machain was the doctor that is accused of keeping him alive so they could torture him longer and longer! The conversation was hard to follow but the pauses for the screams were very easy to dicipher! I guess this might be how blogger always come up with things to talk about, they just start talking about their day and there you go!! Next week for class we will sift through random peoples trash and try to figure out their life, and who they are. Last quarter he did it and the class found a fifth grade teacher who was into child pornography. We also learned about an algorithim program that sifts through peoples email and pulls out key words or phrases that might be a threat to national security, that program is called Carnivore, and I guess they have the technology but not the man power to acheive the type of survelance that they would really like to have!! Well thats it for me today... Be back tomorrow!!

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