Sunday, April 8, 2007

Video - DVD

Today six men were caputured before they were able to carry out planes of attacking an army base in New Jersey with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons. The men, aged 22 to 28, included three brothers born in the former Yugoslavia who ran a roofing business. One Jordanian-born suspect was a Philadelphia taxi driver and a Turkish-born man worked as a convenience store clerk. The suspects conducted surveillance of Fort Dix and other U.S. military installations in New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania, plotting attacks inspired by an international call for holy war against the West, officials said. The investigation began in January 2006 when a retailer alerted police about a customer who had asked to copy a video onto a DVD.
The footage depicted young men shooting assault weapons at a firing range while calling for "jihad" and shouting "Allah-o-Akbar", "God is Greatest" in Arabic, prosecutors said in a criminal complaint. By March 2006, the group was infiltrated by the first of two FBI informants, who obtained computer files. One of these, a file named "19", appears to be the wills of at least two of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks. This story is desturbing many, because these are people that live, work, and go to school in this country, yet they are planning attacks on it. Many times we only here of the failures of the FBI and CIA and not about the things that they prevent. this could have potentially meant a huge loss of lives of some of our men and women who protect this country. Thankfully this attack was prevented and many lives spared.

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