Saturday, April 14, 2007

Should We Stay or Should We Go.......

You know I recently had to write a paper for my Iraq Reconstruction class on how the United States should leave Iraq. We were told the paper prompt the first week of school, so I had 10 weeks to think about what I wanted to write about. My problem was that the title was the United States Exit Strategy. I found my self stuck on the title. How should we exit Iraq, when, where, how many should leave. For weeks I could not come up with any responsible exit strategy. When it finally came down to the wire and I had two days left before my ten page paper was do, I called my father and told him this strategy I had come up. He asked why I was so stuck on the fact that we had to leave. And my answer was that I did not believe that we should leave but obviously that was what my professor wanted to hear because the title was a responsible exit strategy. My Father said this to me, an exit strategy does not need to be in terms of days, or weeks, or even months. Sometimes the things that are right take the longest, and after I came to the realization that I was so focused on trying to find a way that we should leave now, it came to me. We shouldn’t!!! The country is not ready!! Someday we will leave, someday our troops will be home safe. I as much as the next person want all of our loved ones home safely, but the reality of the situation that the security of this country relies that we do not mess this up. Unfortunately there is a lot of hate in this world. We have always know that, and acts of terrorism go back for hundreds of years. However it has only been in the past few decades that the stakes have risen so high. We are no longer dealing with people who merely wish to drive a bomb into an embassy. We live in a world that has created weapons that can destroy thousands at once. some if placed properly millions! It is our duty to make sure that people who wish to do this to our country and to our fellow allies are not given a free reign to acquire what they desire. And here is the weird thing to my realization. I do not think I am Republican, I am certainly not conservative, I do not like president Bush's Policies. I hate the way he has handled almost everything he has touched, but we are in too deep now. We cannot just turn and run and hope for the best. Sorry we thought you had WMD so we came in took out your government, now you don’t have running water, power, any of the necessities that you need, over 60 percent of you are unemployed and cant provide for your family, but you go ahead and figure that out for yourself! See ya. It just can not work like that. In the end the only RESPONSIBLE exit strategy I could come up with, was this, the United States of American can not pull out of Iraq until a viable security apparatus has been established.

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