Friday, April 20, 2007

Today in the News -- Houston---VT--- and Bush

So going on in the world, there is a potentental situation in Houston at NASA where there may be a gunman inside the control room, but they are not saying much at this point. I guess we will find out later. They are not making a very big deal about it but if you ask me any one with a weapon inside a NASA control room could potentially be a big deal!!!!!!Depending on what missions we have going at this time and what control it has to satelite as well as their ability to shut down systems in case of an emergency such as this one. The other big thing in the news besides Bush probably getting the funding he will need for Iraq. The shooters family spoke out today. I can not even imagine their pain, knowing that their son or brother caused this much pain... I can not imagine their anguish and pain that they will live with for the rest of their life. They will always be stigmatized, people will always blame them, even though no matter what a family does you can never fully control the way a child turns out. You can do every thing right and things can still go wrong. I feel for all of the families, and I was touched that when they placed the rocks today in memory of all the lives that were taken.. they also placed one for Cho the shooter. because something had to be seriosly wrong in his life to allow such feelings of anger and violence. I guess we will never really know!!! Well I have to go to work so I guess that is all I have for today.

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