Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tragedy on Campus

As I am sure every blogger is doing today what I am dling now, I want to discuss VT. As a college student and a human being, I am saddend by what occured today. Although not inherently political, the messages that the shooter left behind were. He feels him self a marter and that we as society pushed him to do what he did. I do not understand !! I do not understand what in this country could possibly be soooo bad that someone who came from a good family and was attending a great school, probably on their way to a wonderful job and a fullfilling life, what reason could he have for choosing to take so many lives with him. There are so many other countries that live with destitution, poverty, genocide, or being forced from their homes. We are fortunate to live where we do, although this goverment has its problems we are fortunate. And my heart goes out to the victims of the atrocites that occured today, and their families.

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